This is my first post for several weeks due to some personal and family problems. These came at a time when my blog tour had just started and as a result, I have been unable to devote much time to promoting the tour. It's nearly over now, and I must pay special thanks to all my wonderful hosts. Your kindness and support has been very much appreciated.
The 10% giveaway hasn't really taken off and it probably wouldn't be much of a prize, as sales have been very slow. Again largely due to the fact that I have done very little promotional work myself. So I will be running a new competition from this blog. Details to follow.
My Name's Not Earl
About Me

- Richie Earl
- My name is Richie Earl. I'm a forty-something Indie Author, writing YA fantasy novels. I have self-published two books in the Tales of Finndragon Series: The Legend of Finndragon's Curse and Return to Finndragon's Den. In creating One Thousand Worlds in One Thousand Words, I hope to give other authors some valuable exposure, and help them find readers and success.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Monday, 3 June 2013
Guest Post - Author Nonnie Jules
This is a first for me today. So please welcome author Nonnie Jules to my humble blog, as she tells us all about herself and her excellent book, The Good Mommies' Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Daughters. With two daughters myself, this is something that I must read.
Hi! My name is Nonnie Jules and today is the first day of the "(ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS" Blog Tour and I'm elated that Richie Earl's, My Name's Not Earl Blog is the first stop we're making. This tour is scheduled to run June 3 - June 17 and will include author interviews, Twitter interviews, guest posts and book reviews. There will be e-book giveaways and a grand prize of a $25 Visa Gift Card, to be awarded at the end of the tour.
A little about myself: I am a Mother of two daughters, one adult and one teenager. Both are what I refer to as my "Angel Daughters". I have been married for a very long time (will not disclose just how long as that will give way to my age, and we definitely don't want me to give away that secret, right?) I was born in Houston, TX but now reside in Shreveport, LA where my family moved to when I was a wee little toddler. It is quiet and peaceful here and allows my mind to wander in many directions which leads to much success in my writing.
I began writing poetry as a young girl. I dabbled in it in grade school and by the time I was in high school, I had amassed a collection which I will one day publish. From poetry my writing evolved into longer, full-length stories. I tend to write from life situations and things that I see going on in the world, some good and unfortunately, some bad. I always write with the concept of teaching in mind, and with that, always hope that I have left the reader with something learned.
My first published piece of work, "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS", 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love! hit Amazon on May 17, 2013. This book took me 17 days to write but a whole lot longer to publish since I was new to the publishing world. I must admit, the self-published process, albeit a great way to get your work out quickly and very inexpensively, is not something I'm looking forward to again, but I should get prepared as my next project (a children's book entitled "KIRSTEN AND THE BIG BLUE TREE"), is due for release at the end of June, 2013.
My reason for writing "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE..." is because any time someone meets my daughters for the first time, it never fails that I get asked two questions: 1) "How did you do it?" and 2) "How can I do it?". So one day, a friend of mine suggested I put all those answers in a BOOK. That turned into 100 of my top tips that I actually used, and still use today. Yes, although I have a young adult daughter, it is my belief that you never stop instilling those core values and beliefs. That is why they stick so well.
What you will find when you read "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE..." are real-life situations with a tip (and maybe even a Bible scripture) to effectively deal with each and every one. Topics range from bullying to dating and curfews to peer pressure. There is absolutely no subject untouched in this guide (and if you think of some, do let me know so that I can include them in Volume 2). There will be those days when you will want to grab a cup of lemonade, hit the hammock in the back yard and read this book from cover to cover (and have at it, because this is TRULY A GREAT READ!). Then there will be those other times, when you are so busy with life, but still need a tip on a particular topic right away. At that very moment, you will be able to go straight to that topic as each chapter is alphabetized.
Here is an actual tip from "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE..."
*DON'T BE JEALOUS OF HER OTHER MENTORS. BE GRATEFUL. I find it a little funny when Moms are jealous of the time that their daughters spend with other women who also love them. It could be a mentor, a grandmother (who Mom didn't have a great relationship with herself), an Aunt or one of your daughters' friends Moms. Although some moms may not view it the same as I do, I think this is a wonderful thing, especially since you have taught your daughter the importance of loving other people. Let's face it, we live in a world where everyone won't love your child, so when you find somebody who truly does, don't be jealous of them, be grateful FOR them.
Although there are very serious tips in this guide, the tone is so that some of these tips will have you truly LAUGHING OUT LOUD! This is not your old fogey "HOW TO" guidebook of old. This is one that you will treasure for years to come, and also appreciate the wealth of information found inside. The book is now on Amazon during the tour for only $.99. You may buy THE GOOD MOMMIES GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS here. It makes a great gift so at this price, purchase as many e-books for friends and family who are raising daughters, or definitely tell them how to go get it. At Amazon, you may even TAKE A PEEK inside the book before purchasing.
Well, that wraps up my time here and I would like to thank Richie Earl so much for his graciousness in allowing me to drop by and share with all his readers. Richie, you are #1 in my book (and you know my book is numbered, right?)
Before I go, let me leave you with a bit of information. I love hearing from my readers, so I can be reached at any time via:
Twitter: @nonniejules
Facebook: Nonnie Jules
Goodbye and remember: as long as you keep reading, I will keep writing! Follow my blog "WATCH NONNIE WRITES" at the blog listed above! Thank you!
For a chance of winning a copy of The Good Mommies' Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Daughters, enter using the Rafflecopter below.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Finndragon's Amazing Amazon 10% Giveaway!
Well, after much sweat and too many tears, The Tales of Finndragon - 1500 Years in the Making Blog Tour starts today, Wednesday May 15th. I have gone to great lengths in organising and planning this tour, and I'll be glad when it's over, so I can finally get some sleep. The Legend of Finndragon's Curse, will be on sale at just 99c/77p until the end of May. During the tour, my second book, Return to Finndragon's Den, will be published on May 29th and both books will be released in print.
There will also be a US version of The Legend of Finndragon's Curse available shortly, giving readers in North America the option of reading the new version or the original. I have Scott-Robert Schenkman to thank for 'translating' it for me. He has put in many hours, and if you are thinking of offering different versions of your books, it would be worthwhile talking to Scott.
There will be giveaways of ebooks on most of the participating blogs and I'm running an original and exciting competition. The first prize will be 10% of my 2013 Amazon royalties, with 5 runner-up prizes of signed copies of both my books. There will be 10 questions spread across the blogs I visit, with the answers to be found in one or more of the blogs or in my books.
Details of how to enter will be posted during the tour. So make a note of the questions and your answers.
Please support all the blogs who have been kind enough to host one of my stops. Each and everyone of them have been absolutely brilliant.
Here's the schedule, which is subject to change as there are a couple of blogs yet to confirm dates.
The first stop is at Orchard Book Club where you can read my guest post, from the point of view of Gwayne. He's a young apprentice wizard and descibes how the Kingdom of Morgannwg became cursed..
There will also be the first question of the competition.
I hope the tour will be fun and enjoyable, giving everyone the opportunity to get involved. I'd love to hear from readers, writers and bloggers, and will be available to answer questions throughout, although I can't guarantee an immdeiate response. I've still got to get up for work every day - that's what pays the bills!
As you can see, there are some free dates in June. If you're a book blogger (however large or small) and want to host a stop, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
There will also be a US version of The Legend of Finndragon's Curse available shortly, giving readers in North America the option of reading the new version or the original. I have Scott-Robert Schenkman to thank for 'translating' it for me. He has put in many hours, and if you are thinking of offering different versions of your books, it would be worthwhile talking to Scott.
There will be giveaways of ebooks on most of the participating blogs and I'm running an original and exciting competition. The first prize will be 10% of my 2013 Amazon royalties, with 5 runner-up prizes of signed copies of both my books. There will be 10 questions spread across the blogs I visit, with the answers to be found in one or more of the blogs or in my books.
Details of how to enter will be posted during the tour. So make a note of the questions and your answers.
Please support all the blogs who have been kind enough to host one of my stops. Each and everyone of them have been absolutely brilliant.
Here's the schedule, which is subject to change as there are a couple of blogs yet to confirm dates.
May 2013
Wednesday 15th
Orchard BookClub Guest post - Gwayne's Story
Saturday 18th
TheIntrepid Book Moth Review :The
Legend of Finndragon’s Curse
Monday 20th
SecondBook to the Right Review: The Legend
of Finndragon’s Curse
Wednesday 22nd
Orchard BookClub Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse
Friday 24th
Rabid Readers Too
Review: Return to Finndragon’s Den
Sunday 26th
Big Nerd of Three Review: Return to
Finndragon’s Den
Lily TheNovel Nerd Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse
Monday 27th
SecondBook to the Right Review: Return to
Finndragon’s Den
Tuesday 28th
Blood SoakedLips Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse, Character Interview
Wednesday 29th
from writing Indie Author Month
Thursday 30th
Orchard Book
Club Review: Return to Finndragon’s
June 2013
Saturday 1st
Coffeeand Characters Interview
Wednesday 5th
Orchard BookClub Interview
Saturday 8th
Three Nerds and a
Book Club Review: Return to Finndragon’s Den
Tuesday 11th
Thoughts by J
Thursday 13th
Zoe’s Corner
Guest post
Thursday 20th
Thursday 27th
Woman on the
Edge of Reality Thursday Throng
Friday 28th
Blood Soaked
Lips Review: Return to Finndragon’s
The first stop is at Orchard Book Club where you can read my guest post, from the point of view of Gwayne. He's a young apprentice wizard and descibes how the Kingdom of Morgannwg became cursed..
There will also be the first question of the competition.
I hope the tour will be fun and enjoyable, giving everyone the opportunity to get involved. I'd love to hear from readers, writers and bloggers, and will be available to answer questions throughout, although I can't guarantee an immdeiate response. I've still got to get up for work every day - that's what pays the bills!
As you can see, there are some free dates in June. If you're a book blogger (however large or small) and want to host a stop, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Your Starter For Ten
There's just seven days until my first ever blog tour starts and I'm crapping myself, for want of a more appropriate phrase. I've spent weeks planning and emailing, seeking out hosts and reviewers. I've completed interview questionnaires and written guest posts, and planned what I hope will be an original and successful competition.
Apart from giving ebook copies of The Legend of Finndragon's Curse and Return to Finndragon's Den away on each stop, I have something bigger in mind. I'm going to give 10% of my 2013 Amazon royalties away as a first prize. I don't know if anything like this has been done before, or if it will be tried again, but I've never been afraid of trying something different. There will be a runner-up prize of signed copies of both books.
I want to make this competition interesting and exciting. There will be ten questions, relating to Tales of Finndragon or myself, spread across the blogs I visit. The answers will also be found in the blogs or in my books. To allow time for everyone who wants to enter, the competition will run until the end of November.
Has this been tried before? If you know of any similar competitions, please let me know.
I'll post the full schedule of the Tales of Finndragon - 1500 Years in the Making Blog Tour shortly - watch this space.
Apart from giving ebook copies of The Legend of Finndragon's Curse and Return to Finndragon's Den away on each stop, I have something bigger in mind. I'm going to give 10% of my 2013 Amazon royalties away as a first prize. I don't know if anything like this has been done before, or if it will be tried again, but I've never been afraid of trying something different. There will be a runner-up prize of signed copies of both books.
I want to make this competition interesting and exciting. There will be ten questions, relating to Tales of Finndragon or myself, spread across the blogs I visit. The answers will also be found in the blogs or in my books. To allow time for everyone who wants to enter, the competition will run until the end of November.
Has this been tried before? If you know of any similar competitions, please let me know.
I'll post the full schedule of the Tales of Finndragon - 1500 Years in the Making Blog Tour shortly - watch this space.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Has Beanpole's Team Fallen Victim to Finndragon's Curse?
The Crafanc Chronicle can exclusively reveal that Billy Beanpole and his team have not been seen for a week. The last time we had any communication from Billy, his team had located the Needle's Eye and were closing in on Finndragon's Gate, our reporter Susan Snoop reports.
The only clue appears to be a rope, which can be seen dangling from a cliff.
A police spokesperson stated that a crack team of Crafanc cavers have been brought in to search for the missing team.
"We have spared all expense in bringing in a specialist team of volunteers," said PC Percy Plonker. "We're sure that there is a logical explanation, but we're not ruling out the possibility that the curse has struck again."
There has certainly been some strange goings on in Crafanc y Ddraig recently. Other headlines in the Chronicle this week are:
"Large Black Cat Spotted on Taff Trail Was Just a Badger."
"Unusual, Unexplained Orange Glow Seen Over Old Steelwork Sites."
"The Paraglider Who Claims to Have Been Attacked by Huge Bat-Like Creature, recuperates in Hospital."
The only clue appears to be a rope, which can be seen dangling from a cliff.
A police spokesperson stated that a crack team of Crafanc cavers have been brought in to search for the missing team.
"We have spared all expense in bringing in a specialist team of volunteers," said PC Percy Plonker. "We're sure that there is a logical explanation, but we're not ruling out the possibility that the curse has struck again."
There has certainly been some strange goings on in Crafanc y Ddraig recently. Other headlines in the Chronicle this week are:
"Large Black Cat Spotted on Taff Trail Was Just a Badger."
"Unusual, Unexplained Orange Glow Seen Over Old Steelwork Sites."
"The Paraglider Who Claims to Have Been Attacked by Huge Bat-Like Creature, recuperates in Hospital."
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Needle's Eye Located
Amid great excitement, the Crafanc Chronicle can today exclusively reveal that Billy Beanpole and his crack team think they've cracked the location of the rock which looks like the eye of a needle. The Chronicle would also like to apologise for any lack of grammar in this post which is being written on a portable communication device.
Beanpole's team only had the following verse, extracted from Richie Earl's fantasy novel The Legend of Finndragon's Curse, to go on.
Ye shaft cast through a needles eye
Touches ye creeping claw of fate
When ye moon is full in ye northern sky
And points to olde Finndragon’s gate
"We scoured the mountains for 6 days without a trace, until Dai Dipstick spotted this tall rock with a hole right through the top of it," Beanpole said excitedly. "He was so excited that he nearly soiled himself!"
Dipstick explained, "It was a stroke of luck, to be honest. If I hadn't had that curry last night, I never would have seen it. I was just looking for a place where I could have a good sh...."
In the interests of good taste, the Chronicle is not able to print the rest of Dipstick's interview.
Beanpole is currently leading his team in search of 'the creeping claw of fate.'
Beanpole's team only had the following verse, extracted from Richie Earl's fantasy novel The Legend of Finndragon's Curse, to go on.
Ye shaft cast through a needles eye
Touches ye creeping claw of fate
When ye moon is full in ye northern sky
And points to olde Finndragon’s gate
"We scoured the mountains for 6 days without a trace, until Dai Dipstick spotted this tall rock with a hole right through the top of it," Beanpole said excitedly. "He was so excited that he nearly soiled himself!"
Dipstick explained, "It was a stroke of luck, to be honest. If I hadn't had that curry last night, I never would have seen it. I was just looking for a place where I could have a good sh...."
In the interests of good taste, the Chronicle is not able to print the rest of Dipstick's interview.
Beanpole is currently leading his team in search of 'the creeping claw of fate.'
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Blog Tour On Track
I can't say that it's been easy, but at last I feel like I'm getting somewhere. The dates for my blog tour are filling up fast and I now have over ten confirmed hosts. Would it have been easier to have a blog tour service manage it for me? You bet, but would that have made the tour more successful? We'll never know, but at least I've been in control.
This week I've been preparing both books for paperback with Lulu. Now I'm no whizzkid when it comes to these matters, but I think I've done okay. Converted .doc to PDF, selected page size, mirrored and set the margins, added page numbers. Then it was time to inset Lulu's ISBN bar code and I just can't do it! Guess I'll have to ask my cover designer, the brilliant Gemma Newey at Dark Phreak Arts for her help again.
Have you published with Lulu? Or is Createspace a better option? I'd love to hear some words of experience.
This week I've been preparing both books for paperback with Lulu. Now I'm no whizzkid when it comes to these matters, but I think I've done okay. Converted .doc to PDF, selected page size, mirrored and set the margins, added page numbers. Then it was time to inset Lulu's ISBN bar code and I just can't do it! Guess I'll have to ask my cover designer, the brilliant Gemma Newey at Dark Phreak Arts for her help again.
Have you published with Lulu? Or is Createspace a better option? I'd love to hear some words of experience.
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