There will also be a US version of The Legend of Finndragon's Curse available shortly, giving readers in North America the option of reading the new version or the original. I have Scott-Robert Schenkman to thank for 'translating' it for me. He has put in many hours, and if you are thinking of offering different versions of your books, it would be worthwhile talking to Scott.
There will be giveaways of ebooks on most of the participating blogs and I'm running an original and exciting competition. The first prize will be 10% of my 2013 Amazon royalties, with 5 runner-up prizes of signed copies of both my books. There will be 10 questions spread across the blogs I visit, with the answers to be found in one or more of the blogs or in my books.
Details of how to enter will be posted during the tour. So make a note of the questions and your answers.
Please support all the blogs who have been kind enough to host one of my stops. Each and everyone of them have been absolutely brilliant.
Here's the schedule, which is subject to change as there are a couple of blogs yet to confirm dates.
May 2013
Wednesday 15th
Orchard BookClub Guest post - Gwayne's Story
Saturday 18th
TheIntrepid Book Moth Review :The
Legend of Finndragon’s Curse
Monday 20th
SecondBook to the Right Review: The Legend
of Finndragon’s Curse
Wednesday 22nd
Orchard BookClub Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse
Friday 24th
Rabid Readers Too
Review: Return to Finndragon’s Den
Sunday 26th
Big Nerd of Three Review: Return to
Finndragon’s Den
Lily TheNovel Nerd Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse
Monday 27th
SecondBook to the Right Review: Return to
Finndragon’s Den
Tuesday 28th
Blood SoakedLips Review: The Legend of
Finndragon’s Curse, Character Interview
Wednesday 29th
from writing Indie Author Month
Thursday 30th
Orchard Book
Club Review: Return to Finndragon’s
June 2013
Saturday 1st
Coffeeand Characters Interview
Wednesday 5th
Orchard BookClub Interview
Saturday 8th
Three Nerds and a
Book Club Review: Return to Finndragon’s Den
Tuesday 11th
Thoughts by J
Thursday 13th
Zoe’s Corner
Guest post
Thursday 20th
Thursday 27th
Woman on the
Edge of Reality Thursday Throng
Friday 28th
Blood Soaked
Lips Review: Return to Finndragon’s
The first stop is at Orchard Book Club where you can read my guest post, from the point of view of Gwayne. He's a young apprentice wizard and descibes how the Kingdom of Morgannwg became cursed..
There will also be the first question of the competition.
I hope the tour will be fun and enjoyable, giving everyone the opportunity to get involved. I'd love to hear from readers, writers and bloggers, and will be available to answer questions throughout, although I can't guarantee an immdeiate response. I've still got to get up for work every day - that's what pays the bills!
As you can see, there are some free dates in June. If you're a book blogger (however large or small) and want to host a stop, please don't hesitate to get in touch.